Wednesday, March 30, 2011

A NYC Guideline on Bedbugs

NYC has a new guide on bedbugs. Some of this guide's key points include:

• Learn to identify the signs of bed bugs.

• Dirty living conditions do not cause bed bugs but cleaning and removing clutter will help in controlling them.

• Anyone can get bed bugs. Seek help immediately if you find them.

• Sealing cracks and small holes will help to reduce hiding places and prevent bed bugs from crawling between apartments.

• Cooperate with your neighbors, landlord and pest management provider. Getting rid of bed bugs needs to involve everyone.

• Do not use pesticide bombs or foggers to control pests. They can make conditions worse.

• It is hard, but not impossible to get rid of bed bugs.

This guide also outlines how to hire a professional pest control company. Suburban Exterminating exceeds all NYC guidelines for hiring a professional pest control company
Suburban Exterminating has many credentials. Just one of our credentials includes a registration with NYS Department of Environmental Conservation - Division of Solid and Hazardous Materials - Bureau of Pesticides Management. See page 426.
We would be happy to answer your questions about bedbugs! Give us a call 864-6900!

Monday, March 28, 2011

Employee Spotlight:: Brenda

Earliest bug memory: At age 8 while playing in neighbors Levittown backyard, Brenda ran through bushes and a large nest of yellow jackets. She can remember that a neighbor put mud everywhere she was stung. Her Mom put her in bath with Epson salt and covered the stings with iodine until it looked like she was diseased.  

What’s new? Brenda recently overcame fear of stinging insects. She no longer freaks out and runs!!

The secret bug Brenda really loves is a praying mantis. These little “aliens” are awesome in every way. Also caterpillars are so cool, Brenda loves the way they move and look.

Her most surprising recent bug / wildlife encounter: Last August at Eastern Campgrounds in Greenpoint, Brenda saw a bug that she had never seen before – a bug that was bright yellow with black stripes. She took a picture and Lynn Frank, Suburban Exterminating entomologist, identified the bug as a very rare Atteva punctilla.

Atteva punctilla

Another notable bug encounter: At Blydenburgh State Park, Brenda found over 20 earwigs crawling all over her 12 year old son – she thought that they would go in his ears.

Best tip Brenda ever received was to check for leaks and moisture buildup around her home. Brenda has eliminated a lot of problems around her home.

Never ate a bug intentionally but at age 10 while riding her bike in Levittown, a bug flew right into her open mouth. She swallowed it! The bug’s identity is still unknown.

Brenda's Favorite Movie: A Bugs Life is entertaining and educational.  You can see how insects are capable of working together.

Monday, March 21, 2011

8 Tips for Spring Cleanup

Did you start your lawn cleanup this weekend?  Here are 8 Tips on how Long Islanders can keep Insects and other Wildlife Outside.

Suburban Exterminating can help you with all of these “cleanup” chores!

Thursday, March 10, 2011

Spring Starts on March 20th

The official 1st Day of Spring is March 20th. Spring begins at Suburban Exterminating when customers begin to call for carpenter ants. Carpenter ants cause a great amount of home damage on Long Island.

How Carpenter Ants Look

The most common carpenter ant on Long Island is the Pennsylvania carpenter ant. They are medium to large size ants that range from jet black in color to black and red. Rarely, they can be all red. 

Carpenter ants develop in stages from egg, larvae, pupa and adult.

Where Carpenter Ants Live and Work
Carpenter ants are social and live in a colony with labor divisions. This caste system has workers, a king and a queen. The workers gather food supplies, make nests, and care for the young eggs and larvae. Large workers act as soldiers for the colony. Some workers develop wings which help these workers form new colonies. When carpenter ants fly to form new colonies, the swarm usually occurs in the spring on Long Island.

Carpenter ants get their name from their habit of hollowing wood to build a nest. They like moist environments especially where water leaks have occurred in our homes. Leaks around kitchen and bathroom plumbing, as well as roof leaks, are places that carpenter ants like to make their home. Ant colonies are also found in firewood, tree stumps, fencing, hollow doors, and decks.

Carpenter ants create satellite colonies in addition to the main colony. The parent colony may have 6 satellite colonies within 300 feet.

When carpenter ants create a colony in wood, they chew off tiny bits of wood. This wood is deposited outside the nest.

Carpenter ants eat many things including dead insects and honeydew produced by aphids. The worker ants can travel from one homeowner’s yard to another.

How a Homeowner can help Suburban Exterminating eliminate their carpenter ants
Be prepared to answer a few key questions about the ants at your home:

  •  Have you ever had a problem with carpenter ants before? Where was the problem? 
  • Have you ever had a problem with leaks from the roof or a pipe? 
  • Where do you see most of the ants? 
  • How often do you see the ants? Every day? Several ants per week?


Monday, March 7, 2011

Be Safe

Suburban Exterminating technicians carry a name badge and wear a uniform with our logo.  All technicians are registered with NY state and carry identification.  They will be happy to show you their ID.
Isn't Bradley Cute?

Suburban Exterminating technicians always arrive to your home in a truck clearly marked as “Suburban Exterminating”.

If we knock on your door, you have called our office for service OR you have a scheduled service call where you were notified by email, mail or phone OR your apartment building has notified you in writing.   Suburban Exterminating technicians DO NOT knock on doors to solicit business.

If you are unsure of your scheduled visit, please call our office to verify that our technician has been sent to your home or apartment at 631-864-6900 or 516-864-6900. If you suspect foul play, call 911.

Don't Get Robbed by a Fake Exterminator

Wednesday, March 2, 2011

William Somerville earns ACE Certification

Smithtown, NY. — William Somerville,
Assistant General Manager of  Suburban Exterminating, successfully earned the Associate Certified Entomologist (ACE) certification from the Entomological Society of America (ESA). Entomology is the study of insects’ identification, life cycles, habits and pest management programs.

The ESA is the largest organization in the world serving the professional and technical needs of entomologists and people in the Pest Control industry. The ACE certification was launched in 2004 and is designed to benefit the practicing Pest Management Professionals. To be eligible to take the ACE exam, candidates must have a current pesticide applicators license, a minimum of seven years of verifiable pest management experience, and a willingness to adhere to the ACE code of ethics.

Somerville has over 11 years experience in pest control – Starting as a technician in the Termite department and moving up through the ranks of technicians and Supervisors. In 2009 he was named Field Manager, supervising all field personnel and in 2010 he assumed the duties of Assistant General Manager.

Somerville joins fellow ACE, Robert Wiemer, General Manager on Suburban’s staff and Technical Director Lynn Frank, BCE who holds the highest entomologist certification given by the Entomological Society, Board Certified Entomologist.